Grass genome database

Pharus latifolius


In this project, we generated high-quality genome with PacBio sequencing technology for the species, Pharus latifolius, from the grass family (Poaceae). This species belongs to the subfamily Pharoideae mainly distributed in the tropical forest. There are a total of 12 subfamilies in the Poaceae. The cereal crops such as rice, wheat, barely, maize, and sorghum are all from the core grass lineages BOP and PACMAD with a total of nine subfamilies. The early-diverging grasses include three subfamilies, Anomochlooideae, Pharoideae, and Puelioideae, and these species are very special and important for understanding the origin and evolution of Poaceae. For example, the true grass spikelet firstly evolved in the Pharoideae subfamily.

The assembled genome sequences are 1,002.88 Mb with 12 chromosomes. The genome has ~790 Mb repeat sequences and encodes 32,007 protein-coding genes. The genome has a well-conserved synteny with other grass genomes such as rice. This genome will serve as an important resource for comparative analyses of grass and other plant genomes.


Species genomic sequence cds sequence protein sequence gff msa and tree
Pharus latifolius download download download download download

3Reference Publication

Peng-Fei Ma, Yun-Long Liu, Gui-Hua Jin, Jing-Xia Liu, Hong Wu, Jun He, Zhen-Hua Guo, De-Zhu Li, The Pharus latifolius Genome Bridges the Gap of Early Grass Evolution,  The Plant Cell, 2021;, koab015, 

4 About Us

LI Dezhu, Professor of Botany and Head of the Germplasm Bank of Wild Species, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences (KIB/CAS). Major research interests include 1) phylogenetics, biogeography, and genomics of selected families or genera of vascular plants in China and adjacent regions, with emphasis on Bambusoideae (Poaceae), Cucurbitaceae, Ericaceae and Taxaceae; 2) population genetics and phylogeography of plant species of conservational or evolutionary significance, such as the Taxus wallichiana complex; 3) pollination biology and ecological adaptation of plants in the Sino-Himalayan region; and 4) plant germplasm conservation and plant DNA barcoding.

5 Contact Us


Address: 132# Lanhei Road, Kunming Institute of Botany, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650201, Yunnan, China.