15. Cymbidium hookerianum H. G. Reichenbach, Gard. Chron. 1866: 7. 1866. 虎头兰 hu tou lan Cymbidium giganteum Wallich ex Lindley var. hookerianum (H. G. Reichenbach) Bois; C. grandiflorum Griffith; Cyperorchis grandiflora (Griffith) Schlechter.Plants epiphytic or lithophytic, autotrophic. Pseudobulbs narrowly ellipsoid to narrowly ovoid, bilaterally flattened, 3-8 × 1.5-3 cm, partially enclosed in leaf bases. Leaves 4-6(-8), lorate, 35-60(-80) × 1.4-2.3 cm, articulate (4-)6-10 cm from base, apex acute. Inflorescence arising from near base of pseudobulb, arching or suberect, 45-60(-70) cm; rachis 7-14-flowered; floral bracts ovate-triangular, 3-4 mm. Flowers slightly fragrant, 11-12 cm in diam.; pedicel and ovary 30-50 mm; sepals and petals apple-green or yellowish green with a few deep red spots or occasionally tinged pale reddish brown at base; lip white or cream-yellow with chestnut spots and striations on lateral lobes and mid-lobe, becoming purplish red following pollination. Sepals suboblong, 50-55 × 15-17 mm, apex acute. Petals narrowly oblong-oblanceolate, 50-55 × 10-13 mm, apex acute; lip subelliptic, 45-50 mm, base fused to basal margins of column for 4-4.5 mm, 3-lobed; lateral lobes erect, ciliate; mid-lobe recurved, margin erose and undulate; disk sparsely minutely papillate or puberulent and densely so toward apices of lateral lobes, with 2 shortly hairy lamellae extending from base of lip to base of mid-lobe. Column arcuate, 33-40 mm, papillate or puberulent near base on ventral surface; pollinia 2, subtriangular. Capsule narrowly ellipsoid, 90-110 × ca. 40 mm. Fl. Jan-Apr, fr. Jun-Aug. 2n = 38*, 40*.Trees in forests, rocks along valleys; 1100-2700 m. S Guangxi, SW Guizhou, SW Sichuan, SE Xizang, Yunnan [Bhutan, NE India, Nepal, N Vietnam].【引自:Flora of China】
附生草本;假鳞茎狭椭圆形至狭卵形,长3-8厘米,宽1.5-3厘米,大部分包藏于叶基之内。叶4-6 (-8)枚,长35-60 (-80)厘米,宽1.4-2. 3厘米,带形,先端急尖,关节位于距基部(4-)6-10厘米处。花葶从假鳞茎下部穿鞘而出,外弯或近直立,长45-60(-70)厘米;总状花序具7-14朵花;花苞片卵状三角形,长3-4毫米;花梗和子房长3-5厘米;花大,直径达11-12厘米,有香气;萼片与花瓣苹果绿或黄绿色,基部有少数深红色斑点或偶有淡红褐色晕,唇瓣白色至奶油黄色,侧裂片与中裂片上有栗色斑点与斑纹,在授粉后整个唇瓣变为紫红色;萼片近长圆形,长5-5.5厘米,宽1.5-1.7厘米;花瓣狭长圆状倒披针形,与萼片近等长,宽1-1.3厘米;唇瓣近椭圆形,长4.5-5厘米,3裂,基部与蕊柱合生达4-4.5毫米;侧裂片直立,多少有小乳突或短毛,尤其接近顶端处,边缘有缘毛;中裂片外弯,亦具小乳突,有时散生有短毛,边缘啮蚀状并呈波状;唇盘上2条纵褶片从基部延伸至中裂片基部以上,沿褶片生有短毛;蕊柱长3.3-4厘米,向前弯曲,腹面近基部有乳突或少数短毛;花粉团2个,近三角形。蒴果狭椭圆形,长9-11厘米,宽约4厘米。花期1-4月。 【引自:中国植物志】
序列号 | 采集编号 | 保藏类型 | 份数 | 保藏温度 | 提取方法 | 数据来源 |
36023 | NJWLS2007046 | DNA | 5 | -80℃ | 改良CTAB法 | DNA库 |
编号 | 保藏类型 | 保护级别 | 份数 | 数据来源 |
IVB0307 | 离体培养物 | 国家保护植物 | 60 | 离体材料库 |
IVB0306 | 离体培养物 | 国家保护植物 | 61 | 离体材料库 |
IVB1166 | 离体培养物 | 国家保护植物 | 10 | 离体材料库 |
IVB1609 | 离体培养物 | 观赏 | 10 | 离体材料库 |
IVB2036 | 离体培养物 | 10 | 离体材料库 |