1. Cephalotaxus oliveri Masters, Bull. Herb. Boissier. 6: 270. 1898. 篦子三尖杉 bi zi san jian shan Shrubs or small trees to 4 m tall; bark yellow to grayish brown, scaly. Leafy branchlets oblong-elliptic in outline, plane, 7-9 × 3.5-5 cm. Leaves borne at 55-70° to branchlet axis; petiole ca. 0.5 mm; blade dull matt green adaxially, linear-lanceolate, ± straight or very slightly falcate, strongly convex, (1.5-) 1.6-2.5(-3.2) cm × 2.3-3.2 mm, hard and leathery, midvein ca. 0.8-1 mm wide, stomatal bands on abaxial surface 0.8-1 mm wide abaxially, of 13-17 rows of stomata, as wide as (rarely wider than) midvein and marginal bands, marginal bands ca. 0.8 mm wide, base shallowly cordate or cordate-truncate, margin flat, apex obtuse, shortly cuspidate, cusp often breaking off. Pollen-cone capitula axillary, borne on lower side and toward distal end of terminal branchlets; buds developing before the subtending leaves expand; microsporophylls 6-10, each with 3 or 4 pollen sacs. Seeds cones solitary; peduncle ca. 6 mm. Seed obovoid, ovoid, or almost globose, 2.2-2.7 × 1.4-1.8 cm, apex with small mucro. Pollination Mar-Apr, seed maturity Aug-Oct. 2n = 24*.* Coniferous and broad-leaved forests; 300-1800 m. N Guangdong, Guizhou, W Hubei, Hunan, E Jiangxi, S and W Sichuan (especially Emei Shan), E YunnanA vulnerable species, endemic to China; records from Vietnam are referable to Cephalotaxus mannii.【引自:Flora of China】
灌木,高达4米;树皮灰褐色。叶条形,质硬,平展成两列,排列紧密,通常中部以上向上方微弯,稀直伸,长1.5-3.2(多为1.7-2-5)厘米,宽3-4.5毫米,基部截形或微呈心形,几无柄,先端凸尖或微凸尖,上面深绿色,微拱圆,中脉微明显或中下部明显,下面气孔带白色,较绿色边带宽1-2倍。雄球花6-7聚生成头状花序,径约9毫米,总梗长约4毫米,基部及总梗上部有10余枚苞片,每一雄球花基部有1枚广卵形的苞片,雄蕊6-10枚,花药3-4,花丝短;雌球花的胚珠通常1-2枚发育成种子。种子倒卵圆形、卵圆形或近球形,长约2.7厘米,径约1.8厘米,顶端中央有小凸尖,有长梗。花期3-4月,种子8-10月成熟。 【引自:中国植物志】
序列号 | 采集编号 | 保藏类型 | 份数 | 保藏温度 | 提取方法 | 数据来源 |
35676 | 080036 | DNA | 5 | -80℃ | 改良CTAB法 | DNA库 |