108. Ilex chartaceifolia C. Y. Wu ex Y. R. Li, Bull. Bot. Res., Harbin. 5(1): 11. 1985. 纸叶冬青 zhi ye dong qing Trees evergreen, 10-25 m tall. Branchlets stout, longitudinally angular and sulcate, lenticellate; young branchlets puberulent or glabrous; second year’s branchlets terete; leaf scars raised, deltoid; terminal buds conical, puberulent or glabrous, bud scale margin serrulate, ciliate. Petiole 1-1.5 cm; leaf blade abaxially greenish, adaxially green, oblong or broadly elliptic, 8-10 × 3-5 cm, papery, or thinly leathery, abaxially glabrous, adaxially glabrous or only puberulent on midvein, midvein impressed adaxially, lateral veins 7 or 8 pairs, raised abaxially, evident adaxially, reticulate veins evident abaxially, obscure adaxially, base obtuse, margin slightly reflexed, very obscurely crenulate, apex abruptly acuminate. Flowers not known. Infructescences: 1-fruited cymes, pseudoracemose, axillary on second year’s branchlets; rachis 1-1.2 cm, stout, puberulent; fruiting pedicels ca. 5 mm, puberulent; bracteoles 2, basal, ovate. Fruit globose, ca. 6 mm, puberulent or glabrous; persistent calyx explanate, quadrangular, deeply 4-lobed, lobes broadly deltoid, puberulent, ciliate; persistent stigma thinly discoid, 4-lobed; pyrenes 4, ellipsoidal, ca. 4.5 mm, ca. 2.5 mm in diam., abaxially and laterally palmately striate and sulcate. Fl. unknown, fr. Oct.● Forests, mountain slopes; 1400-2500 m. NW and W Yunnan.【引自:Flora of China】
常绿乔木,高10米;小枝粗壮,具纵棱槽,幼时被微柔毛,二年生枝圆柱形,具皮孔及凸起的三角形叶痕;顶芽圆锥形,被微柔毛,芽鳞边缘具细齿及缘毛。叶片坚纸质至薄革质,长圆形或阔椭圆形,长8-10厘米,宽3-5厘米,先端骤然渐尖,基部钝,边缘稍反卷,具极不明显的细圆齿,叶面绿色,除沿主脉被微柔毛外,余无毛,背面淡绿色,无毛,主脉在叶面凹陷,在背面隆起,侧脉每边7-8条,在叶面明显,背面突起,网状脉在叶面不明显,背面明显;叶柄长1-1.5厘米。花未见。假总状果序着生于二年生枝的叶腋内,果序轴较粗壮,长1-1.2厘米,被微柔毛,基部具2卵形小苞片;果球形,直径约6毫米,被微柔毛或无毛,宿存柱头薄盘状,4浅裂;宿存花萼平展,四边形,4深裂,裂片阔兰角形,被微柔毛及缘毛;分核4,椭圆体形,长约4.5毫米,背部宽约2.5毫米,背部和侧面均具掌状梭沟。果期10月。 【引自:中国植物志】