6. Anoectochilus formosanus Hayata, Icon. Pl. Formosan. 4: 101. 1914. 台湾银线兰 tai wan yin xian lan Plants 11-20 cm tall. Stem ascending, 2-4-leaved. Leaves abaxially reddish purple, adaxially dark green with white venation, ovate to ovate-orbicular, 2-5 × 1-3.5 cm, apex acute; petiole-like base and tubular sheath 0.8-1.6 cm. Peduncle 10-15 cm, with 2 or 3 sheathing sterile bracts, reddish brown; rachis 1.5-5 cm, 3-5-flowered; floral bracts ovate-lanceolate, 8-10 mm, shorter than ovary, outer surface hairy, apex acuminate. Flowers resupinate, pale yellowish white; ovary and pedicel twisted, fusiform, 10-14 mm, pubescent. Sepals reddish brown, pubescent on outer surface; dorsal sepal suborbicular, cymbiform, 6-7 × 5-6 mm, apex acute; lateral sepals narrowly elliptic, oblique, 8-10 × 5-6 mm, apex acute. Petals white, ovate, strongly oblique, falcate, ca. 8 × 2.6 mm, apex cuspidate; lip pale yellowish white, Y-shaped, 12-16 mm; hypochile ca. 2 mm; mesochile 5-6 mm; flanges 4- or 5-laciniate, each filament 4-6 mm; epichile longitudinally dilated, 2-lobed; lobes diverging at an acute angle to one another, linear-oblong to rhombic-oblong, 6-7.5 × 1.5-3 mm, apex obtuse; spur conic, 2-4 mm, mouth ca. 3 mm in diam., apex shallowly bilobed, containing 2 carunculate calli. Column ovoid, ca. 2 mm. Fl. Oct-Nov. 2n = 24, 40.Broad-leaved evergreen forests, bamboo forests; 500-1500 m. Taiwan [Japan (Ryukyu Islands)].【引自:Flora of China】
编号 | 保藏类型 | 保护级别 | 份数 | 数据来源 |
IVB1982 | 离体培养物 | 10 | 离体材料库 | |
IVB1983 | 离体培养物 | 10 | 离体材料库 | |
IVB1984 | 离体培养物 | 10 | 离体材料库 |