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锈毛木莲 Manglietia zhengyiana N. H. Xia


  • 科:木兰科    Magnoliaceae
  • 属:木莲属    Manglietia
  • 种:锈毛木莲   Manglietia zhengyiana


7. Manglietia zhengyiana N. H. Xia, Fl. China. 7: 55. 2008. 锈毛木莲 xiu mao mu lian Type: China. Yunnan: Maguan Xian, Laojun Shan (老君 山), Sitaipo (四台坡), alt. 1300-1600 m, 20 Dec 1947, K. M. Feng 13960 (holotype, KUN; isotypes, A, PE).Arbor usque ad 25 m alta, trunco usque ad 30 cm diametro, ramunculis gemmisque indumento denso ferrugineo indutis, gemmis ellipsoideis 1.3-2 cm longis et 0.5-0.9 cm latis. Folium petiolo 1.2-1.8 cm longo pilis ferrugineis induto cicatrice 7-10 mm longa; lamina obovata usque elliptica 15-21.5 cm longa et 5.5-9 cm lata acumine 0.6-1.1 cm longo, nervis utroque costae latere 8 ad 11. Brachyblastus florifer 1.5-2 cm longus. Flos tepalis albis; androecio pilis longis ferrugineis induto; carpellis glabris ca. 30, pilis ferrugineis dense indutis. Brachyblastus fructifer 1.5-3 cm longus et 4-5 mm latus pilis ferrugineis dense indutus. Fructus cylindraceus 5-8.3 cm longus et 2-2.8 cm latus.Trees, to 25 m tall, to 30 cm d.b.h. Branchlets with dense rust-colored trichomes; vegetative buds ellipsoid, 1.3-2 × 0.5-0.9 cm, with dense rust-colored trichomes. Stipular scar 7-10 mm. Petiole 1.2-1.8 cm, with rust-colored trichomes; leaf blade obovate to elliptic, 15-21.5 × 5.5-9 cm, papery to thinly leathery, abaxially glaucous and with rust-colored trichomes, adaxially glabrous, secondary veins 8-11 on each side of midvein, base broadly cuneate, apex acuminate to acute, acumen 0.6-1.1 cm. Brachyblasts 1.5-2 cm. Tepals 9, white; outer tepals 3, oblong, ca. 3 × 2 cm, thinly leathery, outside with rust-colored trichomes at base; middle and inner tepals slightly fleshy, shorter and narrower. Stamens many, ca. 1.2 cm; filaments 1.5-2 mm; connectives exserted, with a ca. 1 mm triangular appendage; anthers ca. 1 cm, thecae distinct. Stamen scars with long rust-colored trichomes. Carpels ca. 30, with dense rust-colored trichomes. Fruiting brachyblasts 1.5-3 cm × 4-5 mm, with dense rust-colored trichomes. Fruit cylindric, 5-8.3 × 2-2.8 cm; mature carpels 1-1.5 × 0.6-1 cm, dehiscing along dorsal sutures. Seeds cordate. Fl. May-Jun, fr. Sep-Oct.● Forests; 1300-1600 m. SE Yunnan (Maguan, Xichou).K. M. Feng reported the type as being from "Mar-li-po: Sze-tai-po (loa-chün-shan)," but modern maps show that Sitaipo is in Dulong Zhen (都龙镇) in Maguan Xian, on the SW flank of Laojun Shan very close to the border with Malipo Xian (see: Atlas of roads and kilometers of Yunnan and neighboring regions (云南及周边地区公路里程地图册) 34. 2008). Feng also misspelled the first character of the mountain name as "loa" rather than "lao." Manglietia zhengyiana has been mistakenly included in M. rufibarbata (FRPS 31: 89. 1996; Fl. Yunnan. 16: 5. 2006) or in M. dandyi (B. L. Chen & H. P. Nooteboom, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 80: 1037. 1993). Also, see the comment under M. rufibarbata regarding the paratypes of M. pubipetala.【引自:Flora of China】


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  • 浏览次数:367次
  • 创建者:种质资源库
  • 最近更新:2024年9月15日